Blog posts by Stephie Simpson
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Barbie Butts, Phantom Pain And Periods
Stephie discusses her experience with phantom rectum pain and the things she does to help relive the discomfort.
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Living With Body Dysmorphia As An Ileostomate
In this month’s blog, Stephie shares her experience of how having stoma surgery has impacted her body dysmorphia disorder
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Storing Ostomy Supplies
Stephie shares her strategy for maximising space and storing her stoma products.

Dealing With A ‘Normal’ Illness When You Have A Stoma
Stephie and her family recently contracted a tummy bug. Here she shares her tips for dealing with a normal kind of illness when you have a stoma
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Why I Opted For A Permanent Ileostomy
Stephie is often asked why she opted to have a permanent rather than temporary ileostomy. Here she explains the reasoning behind her decision…
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‘Go Bag’: My Stoma-Leak Emergency Kit
Unexpected leaks can be a real hassle so you should always be prepared. Stephie tells us what’s in her ‘go bag’ and offers a few suggestions for yours.