by Scott Smith

To Declare Or Not To Declare, That Is The Ostomy Question…

by Scott Smith

Scott Smith does not travel much, but recently has had to travel around Europe for business. It was on a recent trip, whilst travelling through airport security, that he became aware of a very unique ostomy question...

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Categories: Common Issues

by Michelle Williams

Travelling With A Stoma

by Michelle Williams

Travelling with a stoma can be daunting but in her latest SecuriCare blog, Michelle shares her tips for a smooth ostomates’ journey by car or plane.

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Categories: Travel, Tips and Advice

by Michelle Williams

Telling Children About My Stoma

by Michelle Williams

For those who have a stoma bag, we seem to worry about telling kids the most but they are often the most understanding. Find out why…

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Categories: Parenting

by Scott Smith

The Busy Ileostomist: Scott Smith’s View On Life

by Scott Smith

I suffered with regular leaks until SecuriCare recommended trying Morform motion management sachets. I am not over-exaggerating; it has changed my relationship with my stoma...

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Categories: Product reviews, Common Issues