by Michelle Williams

My Stoma Hernia Repair Operation And Recovery

by Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams recently underwent a stoma hernia repair operation. In this blog she shares her experience of the surgery and recovery…

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Categories: Surgery, Common Issues

by Michelle Williams

Preparing For A Hernia Operation

by Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams considers herself a bit of a pro at hospital stays. In this blog, she shares her 6 top preparation tips for a hernia operation...

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Categories: Surgery, Tips and Advice

by Carrie Beckwith Fellows

My Suprapubic Catheter Surgery

by Carrie Beckwith Fellows

Carrie Beckwith-Fellows has recently had a suprapubic catheter to improve her quality of life. Find out how she's getting on with it...

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Categories: Surgery

by Lynne Richardson

How Are Stoma Bags Made? My Visit to Welland…

by Lynne Richardson

Have you ever wondered how your stoma bag is made? Lynne Richardson visited the Welland factory to find out – and discovered that it is quite a process!

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Categories: SecuriCare