by SecuriCare Team

Meet A SecuriCare Stoma Care Nurse: Gill McIntyre

by SecuriCare Team

Gill McIntyre, Stoma Care Nurse with the SecuriCare Midlands Team, explains why she returned to a career in nursing, 20 years after first working with SecuriCare

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Categories: SecuriCare

by Billie Anderson

Enjoying Fashion After My Stoma Surgery

by Billie Anderson

Following surgical swelling after her stoma was formed, Billie thought she’d never enjoy fashion again – read how her body has adjusted and share her tips for confidently wearing whatever you want

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Categories: Fashion

by Stephie Simpson

Why I Opted For A Permanent Ileostomy

by Stephie Simpson

Stephie is often asked why she opted to have a permanent rather than temporary ileostomy. Here she explains the reasoning behind her decision…

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Categories: Surgery, Common Issues

by Anita Brown

My Life With Incontinence

by Anita Brown

Anita from My Big Fat British Bladder Tumour has joined the SecuriCare blogging team to help raise awareness, having experienced bladder problems her entire life; from incontinence, kidney and bladder stones to terminal small cell bladder cancer…

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Categories: Tips and Advice, Mental Health

by Michelle Williams

Speaking Out Changes The Lives Of Ostomates

by Michelle Williams

The theme of World Ostomy Day 2018 is ‘speaking out changes lives’ which has inspired Michelle to take stock of the things that have helped her and the stoma community to feel more confident, more accepted, and less alone.

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Categories: Mental Health