by Nick Axtell

Oh, how things change!

by Nick Axtell

Nick shares some of the things that he now thinks about as an ostomate, that never really crossed his mind before surgery!

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by Nathan Wheeler

Me, My Ostomy and a Mountain

by Nathan Wheeler

Nathan shares his experience of climbing a mountain with his friends and what he did to prepare for his adventure!

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by SecuriCare Team

Stoma Care Nurse Says: Parastomal Hernias And How To Manage Them

by SecuriCare Team

1 in 2 people living with a stoma will go on to develop a parastomal hernia. In this blog, a Stoma Care Nurse shares her knowledge about parastomal hernias and how to manage them.

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Categories: Product reviews, Common Issues, Tips and Advice

by Sarah Smith

4 Months into the Return of “Normal Life”

by Sarah Smith

Sarah chats us through her experience of the last 4 months since the UK lockdown was lifted and how she managed starting a new job after her surgery!

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Categories: Chronic Illness and Disability, Tips and Advice