ISO Accredited
SecuriCare will meet or exceed all our customer expectations as well as statutory, legal and regulatory requirements. We will ensure the correct resources are in place to allow us to continually improve our customer service and supplier relationships and to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management Systems. We are LRQA accredited to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Click on the ISO icons below to view the full certificates.

Privacy Policy
At SecuriCare (Medical) Limited we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to provide a more personalised service. Please click to view our privacy policy, how your information will be used and how to update the data that we hold for you.

Online Privacy Policy
Complaints Policy
As a business, SecuriCare are committed to ensuring any complaints are dealt with promptly, courteously and to the customer’s satisfaction. The company works to the internationally recognised Quality Management System ISO 9001 with objectives of meeting customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
Click on the Complaints Policy icon below to view the full policy and procedure for formal complaints.

Complaints Policy
Quality & Environment
SecuriCare recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in compliance with all legal environmental requirements relating to our activities. We have established procedures to minimise the impact of all our processes that have significant consequences for the environment. SecuriCare has accreditation to the internationally recognised Environmental Management System standard ISO 14001.
Click on Environmental Policy, Quality Policy and Carbon Reduction Plan icons below to view our full policies.

Modern Slavery Statement
SecuriCare complies with the modern slavery act 2015 as part of the CliniMed Group. We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery, human trafficking and child labour.