Posts categorised under Tips and Advice
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Emergency Stoma Surgery: What I Wish I Had Known
It’s hard to know what to expect when facing stoma surgery, especially if you don’t have enough time to research beforehand. Sarah has shared some things she wishes she’d known before her stoma formation operation.
Read MoreMy Biggest Support
Nick discusses how he felt immediately after his stoma surgery and how a stoma belt impacted his confidence and life with a stoma.
Read MoreCinderella With A Stoma – Sleeping With An Ostomy
Sleeping with a stoma can be a challenge, in this blog Rachael shares what works for her to get a good night’s sleep and how to minimise the anxiety of a nighttime leak.
Read MoreSore Skin Around My Ileostomy
Sore skin around the stoma is a common issue amongst ostomates. Stephie is currently struggling with regular leaks which are the source of her sore skin. In this blog she shares her experience and discusses what helps.
Read MoreDon’t Fear Foods As An Ostomate
Nathan has had his stoma for a long time now and is happy to say he enjoys all the foods he wants to, but immediately after surgery he was given some dietary information that made him fear foods. In this blog, he discusses how that shouldn’t be the case.
Read MoreThe Gutless Graduate - Survival Guide With A Stoma
Aleesha has recently graduated from university. In this blog she shares her tips and experiences with studying whilst dealing with ulcerative colitis and living with a stoma.
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