by Nathan Wheeler

Lockdown Has Changed Me

by Nathan Wheeler

Lockdown forced Nathan to reconsider his priorities and he’s since rediscovered the love he has for his home, his health and his family.

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Categories: Mental Health

by Steve White

Personal Growth As An Ostomate

by Steve White

In this month’s blog, Steve shares how even his worst experiences helped shape the person he is today, and why he looks for the positive in everything, including the pain and trauma of his emergency stoma surgery.

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Categories: Surgery, Mental Health, Relationships

by Nathan Wheeler

Stigma As A Gay Man With A Stoma

by Nathan Wheeler

Sharing his thoughts about being a gay man with a stoma, Nathan talks about dealing with stigma and how raising awareness can prevent ignorance.

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Categories: Mental Health, Relationships, Sex and Intimacy

by Nathan Wheeler

Body Image With An Ileostomy

by Nathan Wheeler

It’s Pride Month - Nathan discusses body image and how his tattoos have boosted his confidence. He shares why we should all find something to love about ourselves, and how Pride is about celebrating who we are.

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Categories: Mental Health, Relationships

by Katie May Chesworth

The Ostomy Influencers Spreading Positivity During COVID-19

by Katie May Chesworth

Katie has found inspiration and encouragement from her fellow ostomates online during the coronavirus pandemic. Here she provides an overview of her favourite influencers and shares why finding positivity is so important.

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Categories: Mental Health