Posts categorised under Mental Health
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Managing your Mental Health with a Stoma
Michelle talks about she manages her mental health as an ostomate and provides tips and advice.
Read MoreFocussing on Mental Health
For World Mental Health Day Nathan talks about his experience and what he does to look after his mind and body.
Read MoreEmbracing Pride: Loving your body, ileostomy and all
In celebration of Pride Month Nathan talks about his journey of self-acceptance and how he embraced his identity as a gay man with an ileostomy.
Read MoreEnjoying festivals with a stoma
Michelle discusses the benefits of attending festivals and provides tips and advice for ostomates.
Read MoreChronic Illness and Mental Health: Coping Strategies and Support
Dionne discusses coping strategies for mental health when suffering from chronic illness and ways to find support.
Read MoreWell, that's mental health
Nick shares his journey managing his mental health while battling daily pain post-surgery and a sudden loss.
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