Continence Care
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Continence issues are common
Problems with continence affect people of all ages and from all social and cultural backgrounds. They occur more often in women than men (due to the female anatomy and childbirth process). Amongst men, the prevalence increases with advancing age, which is when the prostate gland tends to enlarge.
What is continence care?
Continence care essentially relates to helping an individual control their bladder or bowel function. This can involve tips on how to keep the bladder healthy, diagnosing incontinence and identifying a suitable course of treatment if necessary. Emotional support and advice are also an important aspect of continence care.
Many people shy away from discussing continence care with their GP due to embarrassment, deciding instead to manage alone. This can further enhance feelings of isolation and embarrassment.
Understanding the causes of incontinence and the treatment options available can help you accept that there is a problem and give you the confidence to seek professional help. The advice contained in this section should help you along that path and give you some idea of the options available to you.

SecuriCare can supply all makes of continence care appliances, including skin care products and other accessories. We also supply stoma products alongside your continence items.
If your condition is new or if you would like to try an alternative product, our Careline team are always happy to talk through your options - simply give them a call on 0808 256 5400 or, if you already use SecuriCare, 0800 318 965. Or you can click the link below to try samples from our sister company, CliniMed.